Mark Vanhoenacker, an American journalist who lives in London, says the UK’s not just OK — it’s paradise. These are some of his reasons: 
Britain isn’t a good place for cyclists, But for pedestrians it is wonderful. When you walk on a Zebra crossing, all the drivers stop. 
British banks are great –you do everything online, and you don’t pay when you take money out of an ATM. And if you want to change banks, the banks do all the work, not you. 
The British are very polite when they drive. They don’t hoot, and they are patient with other drivers. They always say thank you when you let them pass. 
Chemists in the UK are wonderful, friendly shops and completely different from US pharmacies. Boots sells everything you want, not just medicine, and the shop assistants give you good advice. 
Britain is one of the only places in the world where people don’t have ID cards. In the US you need ID when you buy a drink, go to a club, use a credit card, or take an intercity train. 
Starbucks isn’t British, of course, but I prefer the Starbucks in Britain. They are nice, friendly places where people read the newspaper and drink good coffee. 
From the passage we can say that the text is mainly about 
A) the activities chemists carry out in pharmacies. 
B) some comparative advantages of life in Britain. 
C) the usage of identity cards in public places. 
D) the work of employees in state banks. 
La idea principal del texto se basa en las diferencias y comparaciones entre Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido. 
Rpta. : "B"
From the passage, we can say that the word BOOTS in bold means 
A) locations where you can eat, read and talk with friends. 
B) leather shoes we wear in cold winter to protect our cold feet.
C) the noise that the car horns produce when you want to alert.  
D) places where you can find everything and not only medicines.
Según el texto, nos explica que BOOTS son farmacias donde se ofrecen otros productos y no exclusivamente medicinas. 
Rpta. : "D"
Talking about transportation in Britain, we can say that it is 
A) neither a good place for cyclists nor for pedestrians.
B) not a good place tor cyclist. but pedestrians.  
C) not just good tor bikes, but for motorcycles as well. 
D) not easy to be a driver in the main cities. 
En el segundo párrafo se informa que el transporte en Gran Bretaña no es ideal para los ciclistas pero sí lo es para los peatones. Lo califica de “maravilloso” para los peatones. 
Rpta. : "B"
From the use of ID cards in Great Britain, we can deduce that 
A) ID cards are mandatory for everyone. 
B) ID cards are optional documents in Britain. 
C) only old people use ID cards in Britain 
D) it takes a short time to get ID cards in the UK.
De acuerdo al texto, se puede deducir que el documento de identificación en Gran Bretaña no sea obligatorio por lo tanto su uso es opcional. 
Rpta. : "B"
After reading carefully the information, we can extrapolate the following idea. 
A) Authorities do not care about helping citizens in the country. 
B) British people are not reliable because they have no ID cards. 
C) The amenities in Great Britain are not the same as in Peru.
D) Zebra lines are sometimes respected when crossing the road.
Se puede concluir según la información brindada en el texto que las comodidades o facilidades que existen en Gran Bretaña no son las mismas que en el Perú. 
Rpta. : "C"
    Are you looking for a way to improve your health? Adding green tea may be the answer. In recent studies, green tea has proved to be beneficial to our health, confirming at least 4000 years of medical practice in Asia. It is the second most common drink in the world and could also be the most valuable substance yo can take to protect your general health. Studies have shown that people who drink green tea have a lower risk of suffering from many diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. 
In addition to this, green tea is very filling and control your appetite. It also helps tu reduce body fat and lower high blood sugar levels. Other advantages include the prevention of viruses and tooth decay. However, if you want to have the full protective benefits of green tea, you need to drink at least 5-10 cups a day. Green tea extract tablets are also at the market for those who want to get their daily dose without having to drink many cups. Green tea is sure to make the difference to your eating habits and overall health. So, why don’t you have a cup today? 
Adapted from Evans. V. and Dooley, J. (2002). Upstream Intermediate. Workbook. Newbury: Express Publishing UK Ltd.
What happens if you drink just á cup of green tea every day? 
A) You don't get the full benefits of green tea. 
B) You will be healthy and in good shape.· 
C) You don't have to buy extract tablets. 
D) You will feel immediately all the benefits.
What happens if you drink just a cup of green tea every day? (¿Qué sucede si bebes solo una taza de té verde todos los días?) 
You don’t get the full benefits of green tea (no obtienes todos los beneficios del té verde). 
En el texto se menciona: However, if you want to have the full protective benefits of green tea, you need to drink at least 5-10 cups a day (sin embargo, si se desea obtener todos los beneficios protectores del té verde, se debe beber al menos de 5 a 10 tazas al día).
Rpta. : "A"
What can we infer from the passage? 
A) Asian have used tea for thousands of years. 
B) Green tea can cure all common dlseases. 
C) Green tea extract tablets are ,!?etter than tea. 
D) The advantages of green tea are so few. 
What can we infer from the passage? (¿Qué podemos inferir del texto?). 
Asian have used tea for thousands of years (Los asiáticos han usado té durante miles de años). El texto nos menciona lo siguiente: In recent studies, green tea has proved to be beneficial to our health, confirming at least 4000 years of medical practice in Asia. (En estudios recientes, el té verde ha demostrado ser beneficioso para nuestra salud, lo confirman, al menos, 4000 años de práctica médica en Asia).
Rpta. : "A"
Which of the following does not correspond to the text? 
A) Green tea has proved to be beneficia! to health . 
B) You lose weíght because tea restrains appetite. 
C) People who drink green tea never have cancer. 
D) Green tea can help people to have better teeth. 
Which of the following does not correspond to the text? (¿Cuál de los siguientes no corresponde al texto?) People who drink green tea never have cancer (Las personas que beben té verde nunca tienen cáncer). En el texto se menciona: Studies have shown that people who drink green tea have a lower risk of suffering from many diseases, such as cancer and heart disease (Los estudios han demostrado que las personas que beben té verde tienen un menor riesgo de sufrir muchas enfermedades, como cáncer y enfermedades del corazón).
Rpta. : "C"
lt can be determíned that the word FILLING most nearly means feeling 
A) happy. 
B) emotioned. 
C) grateful. 
D) satisfied. 
It can be determined that the word FILLING most nearly means feeling (Se puede determinar que la palabra filling casi significa sentirse) satisfied (satisfecho). El texto nos menciona lo siguiente: In addition to this, green tea is very filling and control your appetite (Además de esto, el té verde es muy llenante y controla el apetito).
Rpta. : "D"
According to the main idea of the text, green tea 
A) can restrain the appetite. 
B) is good for your health. 
C) can prevent cáncer. 
D) reduces heart attacks. 
According to the main idea of the text, green tea (según la idea principal del texto, el té verde) is good for your health (es bueno para tu salud). Al inicio del texto se menciona: Are you looking for a way to improve your health? Adding green tea may be the answer. In recent studies, green tea has proved to be beneficial to our health (¿Estás buscando una manera de mejorar tu salud? Agregar té verde puede ser la respuesta. En estudios recientes, el té verde ha demostrado ser beneficioso para nuestra salud).
Rpta. : "B"


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