Vilcabamba, which is located in Ecuador, is often called ‘the Valley of Long Life’. What’s the secret? It is not very hot or very cold –the air is very clean. People work hard in the fields, and do a lot of exercises. Their diet is very healthy with fruit and vegetables, they almost never eat meat and fish and have good social life. The water they drink, from Vilcabamba River, is very rich in minerals. 
    In Ogliast, a mountain region of Sardinia in Italy, people live to be 100, and they are normal and healthy. People in the villages work outside in their fields with their animals. They have a healthy diet, with a lot of vegetables and not much meat or fish. They almost never take any medicine, but they usually drink a little grappa before they go to bed. Fortunato who lives there, says to his family and friends, ‘I am never stressed’. 
    People in Okinawa in Japan do not have big meals. They just have vegetables and fish, and often eat soya. Okinawans are very active, often work until they are 80 or more, and they also relax every day –they see and meditate with friends and relatives, they are always positive, and they are never in a hurry. 
                                                                Latham-Koeni, C; Oxenden O. and Seligson P.  
After reading the passage, we can say that the text is about 
A) having an extreme diet in order to live longer.
B) getting informed about the sacred water. 
C) enjoying the magic weather temperature. 
D) making lots of exercises to be centenarian. 
Al ser un texto paralelo, la respuesta no está en un párrafo específico sino que se construye en las tres historias dadas.
Rpta.: "A" 
From the reading about Italy, we can say that the word GRAPPA is a 
A) special kind of drink. 
B) typical kind of food. 
C) fresh main course. 
D) delicious entrée. 
GRAPPA es un tipo de brandy italiano, es decir una bebida alcohólica fuerte.
Rpta.: "A" 
From the climate in Vilcabamba, we can say that the weather is 
A) hot. 
B) cold. 
C) humid. 
D) mild. 
Mild es un adjetivo que significa “ni muy leve o extremo”.
Rpta.: "D"  
From the whole passage, we can deduce that people 
A) that used to drink only grappa and avoid being stressed are always centenarians. 
B) who are never stressed and work indoor are people who want to live very long. 
C) who love doing household activities such as cleaning or cooking will live much longer. 
D) who live long are the ones which are very active, have natural food and good social life. 
Se deduce del texto que si una persona es activa, come sano y natural, y tiene una vida social activa vive más años.
Rpta.: "D" 
After reading carefully the information, we can extrapolate that living in metropolis will 
A) not help people to become centenarians. 
B) help citizens to live long with the stress. 
C) help people get older drinking only grappa. 
D) can help people to become old drinking beer. 
Extrapolate: llevar la idea principal de este texto transversal a otro contexto.
Rpta.: "D"

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