Social unrest is happening in almost every country. Although what started each particular movement changes among countries, concerns about inequality are always part of the reason. The ‘Time to Care’ report presents figures that explain people’s anger. 
    It highlights that women are the most affected by inequality, in order for a female domestic worker to earn what the CEO of a technology company makes in one year, she would have to work 22,277 years. According to the Oxfam report, the 22 richest men in the world have more wealth than all the women in Africa. 
    Mr. Behar, who directed the study says that our current economic system is broken, it benefits billionaires and big business by harming ordinary men and women. “No wonder people are starting to question whether billionaires should even exist”. 
How would you summarize the text? 
A) The cases of social unrest worldwide all began because of poverty and hopelessness. 
B)  Women around the world are the least affected by economic inequality. 
C) The current economic system benefits rich people and hurts everyone else. 
D) Economic inequality has become so obvious that people are rejecting the statu quo.
El texto se resume en la siguiente afirmación “el sistema económico actual beneficia solamente a los ricos y afecta al resto”. 
Rpta. : "C"
What do you think Mr. Behar meant when he said the current economic system is BROKEN? A) That he does not like it.
B) That it is unfair.  
C) That it is an old system. 
D) That he is affected by it. 
Según el estudio realizado por Behar, se define el sistema económico como “broken” que traducido al español se refiere a que está dañado, quebrado en clara alusión a la desigualdad, en que solo beneficia a los ricos. En ese sentido, la alternativa correcta sería “unfair” que significa “injusto”.
Rpta. : "B"
According to the text, what is the relation between inequality and social unrest? 
A)  There is no relation between them because the causes of social unrest are all different.
B) The majority of problems that led to social unrest appear because of inequality.
C) Social unrest is generating inequality by making ordinary men and women feel angry. 
D) The effects of social unrest are felt at different levels across society. 
De acuerdo a la lectura, la única relación que existe entre desigualdad y disturbio social es que todos los problemas que causan disturbios sociales se deben a la desigualdad.
Rpta. : "B"
Which of these is an example the text uses to illustrate economic inequality? 
A) CEOs are more likely to commit tax evasion than domestic workers. 
B) There are no African women in the list of the 50 richest people. 
C) Men are more likely than women to be found in high paying positions.  
D) All the women of Africa have less wealth than the 22 richest men.
De todas las opciones, el ejemplo más claro que ilustra la desigualdad económica es la afirmación D: “todo el dinero de todas las mujeres del África no se iguala a la riqueza de los 22 hombres más ricos del mundo”.
Rpta. : "D"
According to the text, what is the main reason people started to question the existence of billionairies? 
A) They should not exist in an equitable economy.
B)  They are jealous of ther extreme wealth. 
C) The should not let ordinary people be harmed. 
D) They are harming the current economic system. 
Según el texto la razón principal porque las personas cuestionan la existencia de los billonarios se debe a que ellos no deberían permitir que su riqueza dañe a la gente común y corriente.
Rpta. : "C"

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